Assisting You to Achieve Independence
Many of our elderly individuals are so used to working independently, having no one to assist them and no one to hold them back. This makes having someone there for meal prep and assistance with daily living feels like a violation of privacy and independence. Some may even think that hiring a home health aide or personal care aide is a shame and disgrace to their independent individual self.
But for Home Health Care in Marietta, Georgia, our aim is not to hold you back or take away the independence you love. Instead, our mission is to help you remain independent despite different limitations like health problems. We are here to eliminate heavy, strenuous, time-consuming activities that will harm you and keep you from enjoying your life in the 60s and above.
Thus, with your direction, we will take care of activities that you don’t like or need assisting like meal preparation or overnight care, so you have more time for yourself and your loved ones. We are also here to give you a helping hand with your daily life’s basic activities.
Our sitter service here in Abba Health Services is served holistically. Serving you hot, yummy, and nutritious meals every day is one way of showcasing the brand of care and service we provide. With us, the elderly individuals we work with are living a life of independence. We are there not to restrict them but to provide another set of hands, eyes, ears, feet, mouth, and brain to deal with their everyday living. We help them live each day in wellness and cherish each moment.
If you’re looking for personal care services in Georgia, look no further. Inquire about our service now and get a free care assessment!